Sunday, August 11, 2013

The all important paperwork(s) for France...HELP!!!!

I have never told you what I need to do and how to get this all important long term stay visa.(You need this visa if you are staying more than 3 months in France) I will have this down so I can remember it all. So far I'm in the beginning stages of it all.

You will need:
*The Contract: The contract will tell you how many hours you will work, how much money you will get, where you will be living (how many rooms in the house, where you will be staying), how long you will be staying, what kinds of cleaning you will do, and more

*Your high school/college diploma and medical certificate translated in French

*The all important passport for the French labor people to stamp

*For me, I may have some extra things translated because of my special needs. Since I will be in school things are different for me in the United States. I have no clue how the French teachers and school will react to it.

*You have to write an statement on why you want to come to France. I made it a page and a half. Well I double spaced it so they can read it. That will have to be translated in French. I just ended up using Goggle Translate.

*I will have this in my Au pair book so when I go to the French embassy in Washington D.C. I'm thankful that it's only 1-2 hours away from me. ( there is a page on what that Au pair book will consist of)

*Getting passport pictures

*Proof of the address

*notes* As I get through the process I will add more to this list. :)

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