Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's almost time to say goodbye to Virginia

It's the last hour in my world. My world will change as soon as I get to the airport. I can't believe the day is here. It's wired since this has been my home for the past two years almost three. I can't believe that next Friday will be my 28th birthday. I have dreamed of leaving Virginia for so long and now it's here. I can't believe it. I'm so blessed to have this amazing opportunity. It's almost two am and in a couple of hours I need to be packed up and heading towards the airport. In an couple of hours I need to go to the dollar store for the last and final walk to the store. Soon I'll be in an strange land without knowing anyone really. I'll start a new life in an new world full of hope and promise. I'm blessed to the fullest. So goodbye Virginia and Hello to Spain. I can't wait to see you and to see what you have in store for me. I love you Va but I want something more. Loving the lessons that I have learned. I'm thankful for the heartbreak and pain. I'm thankful for having hope for the future. I'm thankful for it all. Goodbye Virginia Love...Goodbye. Love NY Girl :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Is this the end for us?

Well, my room is almost empty as if I just moved in. hahaha. All I have to do is now wash these clothes and clean the room. Thank goodness for an dance party that started at 7:00 am. Hey, I have to get work done some how. Music is my go getter thing for me. Sometimes music even makes me cry but I have to let it speak to me in order to do that. Anyway, I'm excited about getting my hair done. I have not had braids in my hair in years. I'm going to get mini braids...I think. All I know is that I won't have to do my hair for three months. Yay me. It will take a while but it will be worth it. I'm also going to wash my clothes at the laundry mat since I have too many clothes and so little time. I will just get a ride down there. Hopefully HRT can help me with that one. I don't want my landlord to be up all night because of me having to do things at the last min. I have to visit my friends Malissa and Krystal. I have Krystal for dinner. I also have to have a Wednesday to remember. I plan on Wednesday getting my last paycheck, shopping, ice skating and skinny dip for desert before I say goodbye for good. I may stop by church a little early and just pay for dinner and pick it up. We shall see.

This may be my last post. I entered into this not knowing what I was getting into. I didn't even known what an Au pair was. You have seen the highs and lows into becoming an Au pair for me. As Americans we are so blessed and it will take us leaving the country to see how blessed we really are. I have learned about what I wanted for a change and more. I wanted something different for myself. Getting this job as an Au pair for me is really an blessing. I thought European families would be like American families as to what they want someone who has not only experience with children but have extreme high standards. I have met with many families who are sweet and just want what will be best for their children. I had this dream of just going to France and letting the other countries be my options but it worked out differently. I ended up going to Spain instead. What changed my mind? It was seeing how these families really were together. I have an feeling I'm going to love Spain. I just started on this journey of finding myself though family. Since I didn't grow up with the realities of what an family is I had to search for it though others when I already had that love and protection all along. I may continue this journey and let you witness it beyond it. We shall see.

"Your Journey are an extension of your dreams" Love the journey that you are in because it will lead you into greater wonders. Good Bless you guys. 
Anastasia aka NY Girl :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

I'm over cleaning and packing already! Oh boy!

"Just throw it the bag girl" listening to Fabolous's song "Throw it in the bag" at 5 in the morning. I'm up before the sun yet I'm over that bad? "Just throw it in the bag because you make me better". I can't believe I just made an sentence with song tittles. This is so fun I think I'll make another sentence or maybe not. I hope your day is going well. Mine day was finally started packing. Yay! Organizing everything has been tiring. In two going on three years you get a lot of things. I'm cleaning out my room. Trying to figure out what to do. I only have today to finish things since tonight I'm having to spend time with my friend Krystal and her dad. On Saturday I got to go to the goodwill to drop off the books and clothes to them. Whatever I have not done will get done on Saturday as well. Sunday I have church and I may rest or clean the house. Meanwhile I need to wash clothes and things. I also need to spend time with my nieces and newfew. I need to say goodbye to them. I also need to get my hair done so too much to do in so much little time. I also have to pick up my final paycheck and get last min things then say goodbye. I'm not ready but I feel like saying help!!!! Don't someone want to finish organizing my things for me. What to do with all the things that I do with art? What do I do with the important information?  Well, got to get back to You tube before the day begins. 5 more days

"Anastasia will always have a home here so I'm not getting an new roommate. I'm sorry about that one. She is my sister and I love her so no one will take her place" -My roommate when asked if she was getting a new roommate..awww. I love her.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I'm all over the place...Is that ok?

It's crazy when everyone is either so excited or sad that your leaving. I'm just wondering why I just feel like I'm on vacation. It has not affected me yet. As for me, leaving my job was an relief. I was tired, over-worked and becoming depressed. So leaving my job meant leaving my memories. I grew up in that place and learned so much at my job. I learned about children in an childcare environment. Now, I'm 27 about to be 28 and wondering about the good life. I wanted something more. I don't know what or where I'm going to end up. This is crazy. That is what I'm going to say...It's crazy.

It finally hit my roommate that I'm leaving. She tells me everyday that I'm going to miss you when you leave. I'm sitting here like "Wait! You still have a week with me. Don't let go of me yet!" "Hold my heart close to yours". Maybe she'll hold on to our memories while I'm gone. I'll will but I'll be overwhelm by love as well. I feel so lost. I felt so lost when I was crying every night when I was told I was never going anywhere during the last days of my previous job. Now, I'm going to Spain next Thursday and I'm silent. My heart is empty. My mind is confused and my soul is quiet. I'm all over the place and it's going to have to be ok.

I have been lazy since it hasn't hit me. It will hit me as the last moments began tomorrow starting with church. It will be my last Wednesday night service. It will be my last choir rehearsal. I'm an soprano/alto. I'm not ready to say goodbye to the family who had to help me put my heart back together. I'm blessed to say that I'm starting to understand what family and love really means. Hopefully it will force me to start packing and clean after all. I got to stop being lazy but I'm realizing I'm not ready for the reality that is here. So guess what I'm asking one more time...I'm all over the place and is that ok? Oh yes,'s going to have to be ok because that's where you at with your emotions.

NY Girl

Monday, January 6, 2014

Preparing to go: Family and Friends Part Two

Why did I do an part two. Well, I wonder how people tell their family.."Yo! I'm leaving for a different country so forget you". No, that's not really my response but I'm trying to be funny on that one. As for my friends they know what's going on. They know I'm leaving for Spain but they don't know actually what I'll be doing. I am rather an secretive woman who don't tell too many details but only the basic's. Only certain people have that right to get the details of it all. A lot of people worry about my safety in a whole new country. They think I'll get kidnaped or worst. I can understand why they would worry with my major issues. I get lost really easily. I lose the things that belong to me anyway and host of other issues that comes with having two disabilities that affects your life. Thankfully, I have people who believes in my dream of going to Europe. I just can't believe I did it. I can't believe that I actually found an family to take me in and show me what life actually can be like. I'm glad I spend all that time with Krystal's family over this past year. So I kind of understand the basic's of an family. Well gotta peace out.

Preparing to go: Packing and Cleaning Part one

It's 7:10am this morning. I wake up listening to music and thinking about the changes ahead. I'm realizing I'm not ready for anything. I'm starting to realized how real this actually becoming. If moving day was today I wouldn't be ready to go because nothing is done. It would be funny if I did leave today with nothing done. I know with me...Yes, everything takes me a while to do but it will get done...that's a promise. I have so much to do and only a week and 3 days to do it all.
* I have to clean out my room.
    I need to throw out all the trash and start separate everything. I need to get the clothes I don't wear anymore into good will.

* I need to also take the Christmas decorations away.
    I'm thing about keeping the table things out though. I'm not ready for it to end. I'm really proud of myself of doing the Christmas decorations.

* I also have to wash clothes somehow.
    Right now we don't have our washing machine so I may have to wash my clothes at my friends house. Oh well.

* Meanwhile the house needs to get cleaned like I normally do.
    I need to help out my roommate with the cleaning of the house. It's not right for her to only do it.

* Preparing to say goodbye to family/friends.
    My sister doesn't know I'm leaving so I need to get on that asap. My friends are having an hard time with me leaving. My best friend is worried as normal.

* Get last min. things like an suitcase, clothes, and girl stuff that I would normally need.

This time next week I'll only have 3 days before I leave. Wow time is moving so I need to get moving...asap. Like I said. I'm not ready but I need to enjoy each and every moment.

Friday, January 3, 2014

This is a dream out unto the unknown

I feel like a rocket. I feel like exploring the world beyond this 4 walls I call my own home. I love my home in my house. It had been my safe haven for almost 2 years. It was the transition home for me towards independence. It was the safe house I needed while being heartbroken. I discovered who I am in this place. I learn to be an homebody and an party girl at the same time. I'm full of extremes. I'm up one minuet and the next I'm down. I'm realizing that I'm a treasure. Thank you Tori Kelly for writing that beautiful song. I'm so full of emotions. On one hand I'm happy to be able to smile no matter what and on the other hand I'm so sad since I'm having to say goodbye to the kids and parents that I have met. I have been blessed beyond measure.

Now, I'm leaving a day after I planned on to but that's ok. Leaving on January 16th will be great since I am not running back and forth from one place to another. I'll be leaving around about 11:30am since my plane leaves at one. Since this is an international flight I have to be there two hours early which I think it's crazy but I can't play around with it. I'm going to ask because I might be able to get there by 12 and still be good. It's my first international trip so if you have any tips for me I would be greatly appreciate it. Yes, I do have an passport. I always knew I was going to go to Europe and almost an year later I'm going to Europe in 13 days. Let me go and try to learn some Spanish like the smart girl that I am. :) I'm finally living my dream. My own version of my American dream: Living in Europe.

Dreams do come true part two


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Begainning's, Birthdays and hope: Happy New Year 2014!!!

It's here. January 2014! It's a month of new beginning's, hope, and happiness month. No, there are no major holidays in January now. It will be the season of birthday's in my family. My baby nieces is on the 4th of January, My sister is on the 18th of January, My birthday is on the 24th and my oldest niece is on the 30th of January. I also have extended families birthday in January as well. It's too many birthday's this month for me. However, I'm hopeful about the future now. I'm glad that 2013 is over. This means I get to now focus on me and my happiness. Don't get me wrong, I love helping people because I'm a giver by nature. I don't know anything else but to give of myself. I was raised that you give of yourself then you will be given back blessings that you will never understand why you got it. So I start this year smiling because there is no way but to go up this year.

Last night was fun. New Year's Eve was so much fun. We (me, my roommate and her sister) was supposed to go out to a club but that wasn't meant to be so we celebrated at IHOP!!!! I have been wanting IHOP so badly for a while and needed it to come true for me. I got to really enjoy spending time with my roommate and her sister because time is short now. I got to wear my short dress and black heels. I don't' get to dress up like that often but sometimes you need to get dressed up and go crazy. I hope you have an wonderful new year. I wish nothing but for the best for you. Happy New Year!