Friday, November 22, 2013

Live your dreams: I'm going to spain edition

Good Afternoon World! I'm sitting here on my bed on an Friday afternoon doing fine. This is my only day off so I'm trying my hardest trying to get my life and dreams in order. I should give you an update on the Au pair life. I been talking to a lot of families and I finally got an family. I will call the family "E". This family lives in Spain and they are an Spanish family of course. I got to talk to the au pair that they have now and I'll call her "J'. "J" she is an American citizen who loved her Spanish life. Poor baby, I feel bad replacing her. I even got to talk to some of her friends. They live in Haro, La Rioja, Spain. I goggled earth it. It looks like an beautiful place where I get to learn and grow. I'll be taking care of two kids. One boy and one girl. I also have to speak English to them and I get to learn Spanish. I'll have it easier since I already learned Italian at an earlier age. French was going to be harder for me especially with me having an learning disability and an hearing impairment. I will be living there for three months. I'm thinking about trying to see if I can get into a school so I can stay there a year. The family adores me and willing to help me to get into a school so that I can stay there longer. So yes, I'm excited but worried about it all. I'm not sure if this going to really happen or not. I don't want this to turn into what France did to me the first time. I was really disappointed. So sometime soon you will get more details of me leaving and things.

Meanwhile it's the holiday season starting next week or in Norfolk, Virginia it will be this weekend. I'm soposed to help in the parade. Hopefully I get out of work earlier enough not to be late. I hate to be late for anything but I can't help it if I am being forced to work for two weekends bad people. I would think it would be after the thanksgiving season. I love the holidays with the winter carnival. This year I'm thinking about taking my oldest niece so I can spend some time with her. She would love that. If anybody have an idea for an fun activity for a two year old. I can't believe my youngest niece is almost three years old. Wow! I love when she see's me that she wants to spend time with her aunt. I guess that's what happens when kids are around me. I'm thinking about going to the million blub walk as well. I need a boyfriend for things like that. I'll see if my sister will take me so all I have to do is pay for myself :). That's so wrong...isn't it? Well. between all this fun I got to do this borning thing called my calendar, rest, clean the house and wash clothes. Oh boy! Got to go! Live out your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. I'm trying to live my dreams :)

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