Friday, January 3, 2014

This is a dream out unto the unknown

I feel like a rocket. I feel like exploring the world beyond this 4 walls I call my own home. I love my home in my house. It had been my safe haven for almost 2 years. It was the transition home for me towards independence. It was the safe house I needed while being heartbroken. I discovered who I am in this place. I learn to be an homebody and an party girl at the same time. I'm full of extremes. I'm up one minuet and the next I'm down. I'm realizing that I'm a treasure. Thank you Tori Kelly for writing that beautiful song. I'm so full of emotions. On one hand I'm happy to be able to smile no matter what and on the other hand I'm so sad since I'm having to say goodbye to the kids and parents that I have met. I have been blessed beyond measure.

Now, I'm leaving a day after I planned on to but that's ok. Leaving on January 16th will be great since I am not running back and forth from one place to another. I'll be leaving around about 11:30am since my plane leaves at one. Since this is an international flight I have to be there two hours early which I think it's crazy but I can't play around with it. I'm going to ask because I might be able to get there by 12 and still be good. It's my first international trip so if you have any tips for me I would be greatly appreciate it. Yes, I do have an passport. I always knew I was going to go to Europe and almost an year later I'm going to Europe in 13 days. Let me go and try to learn some Spanish like the smart girl that I am. :) I'm finally living my dream. My own version of my American dream: Living in Europe.

Dreams do come true part two


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