Sunday, October 27, 2013

Broken stove and heat+ messed up computer+ an painful ear = A long week

It has been a long week for me. I'm exhausted to the fullest. However, washing clothes and cleaning my house later on this evening will be perfect for me. That's how I spend my Sunday people by working. It's been crazy with my stove was really old so the circuit breaker went out on us. I mean really stove you brought out four fire trucks to our house...hahaha. Then the heat said peace out! Really, My heat but it's all cool. Things really do work out in the end...we will get both done by next week. I'm happy about that. As all of these things my computer has broken as well. The switch that tells you that the internet is working is gone. So I have two choices I can either get a new one or get a new computer. It's crazy how this going but I need to figure this out. Other than work is killing me mostly. I'm over this week but next week I get to be peanut m&m's so it's all good

As for my Au pair World, I got a family who said that I would be an good candidate. I hope it really happens. I'm ready to jump into an airplane and move on with my life. The family lives in Spain. They live in Western Spain so I'm ok with that. They have two kids. They have one boy and one girl. The girl is so sweet. I didn't get to meet the boy but I think he might be a sweet boy. I will spend a year with them hopefully. That has always been my goal to spend a lovely year. I have also been talking to other families until I get something official.  I just hope I can deliver what I have been given as a new challenge for me. I hope I can be an wonderful au pair. I can only find that same hope that everyone has that hope for me to figure out my own life and live my dreams without people stopping me.

I can't believe I will be 28 in three months. This has been a really hard year for me. I don't know where this journey will lead to. Yes, I'm stubborn. I can't help where my heart will lead me. I guess for now I plan to leave my current job in January and hopefully I can start a new one in the city I live in now. All I know is I'm ready for a new world.

"Nothing will ever be the same once you take that first step into your dreams"

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